The American College of Gastroenterology released a new guideline on disorders of the mesenteric, portal, and hepatic veins and mesenteric and hepatic arteries, which can lead to acute liver failure, chronic liver disease, noncirrhotic portal hypertension, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Check out the article here
A study in Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology found that both strain elastography and shear-wave elastrography yielded highly satisfactory reproducibility, and strain elastography was slightly better in imaging malignant lesions.
"Under the same operating conditions, our results indicated the excellent reproducibility of SE and SWE in assessing breast neoplasms among well-trained operators," researchers wrote. Source: Theresa Pablos - AuntMinnie Check out the article here A new ultrasound technique is being hailed as the biggest breakthrough in the technology for more than 60 years. Developed at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, it produces images that are 10 times better than current scans. Researchers believe its ability to precisely pinpoint tumours could one day replace biopsies in investigating suspected cancer cases. The method, which is about to begin trials in human patients, uses existing scanning equipment. Check it our here North Carolina State University researchers have developed a technique to improve the characteristics of engineered tissues by using ultrasound to align living cells during the biofabrication process.
Check it out here Researchers have developed a way to capture moving objects with the unconventional imaging method known as ghost imaging. The new method could make the imaging technique practical for new applications such as biomedical imaging, security checks and video compression and storage.Check out more here
There has been a shortage of qualified Sonographers across Australis for some time. AIHE came across some statistics which beg to ask the question why there arent more applying for this qualification? Is it because of the pre-requisite of another qualification?
The following shows some insight. The Department of Jobs and Small Business surveyed employers who had recently advertised for sonographers in the following areas: public hospitals, private hospitals, private practices and medical imaging clinics.
The methodology underpinning this research is outlined at Skill Shortage Research Methodology | Department of Jobs and Small Business - Document library, Australian Government It can be tricky trying to juggle the cost of your study.
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